Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life Hence Far

Life has been quite boring recently, because i've been sleeping, eating, and dying on books books and books. Basically books mean studying or revision. What to do.....SPM coming, have to study hard, to achieve my dreams as and engineer, yes i want to become an engineer.

How's my revision?
Well, i'm pretty happy for all subjects except for 4 subjects which i would classify as killer subjects for me,
These are the killer subjects. Why? let me explain.
#1 Biology
100% memory, you have to memorize numerous names and they can be really long and draggyyyyyyyy. I did not touch my bio AT ALL when i was at form 4, yeah i regret about my arrogance. Now i have to make up for it by studying the whole syllabus and i target to do so in 1 week, that's why i'm SUFFERING now.

I don't know whether is it that i sucks in it or is it that my school teacher is being super duper mega tera strict when marking my paper or our(my class) papers. I have never scored higher than 50 since form 1 in moral. Sad case eh?

I ain't good at language, what's more BM? and you can't understand BM, you can only do BM. Am i confusing you? if yes, GOOD! i myself don't understand what i'm talking about.

Everybody's favourite subject! konnonnya....once again, it's memory power again. Those who wants to be lawyer, they're a master of history. And all those names you have to remember....there was a joke my friend told me, but it's racist, so better not post it, or kena ISA.

As for the rest, i'm a master of it! MUAHAHAHAHA! well, not master la, but good at it :)

Guess what? my dad gave me a challenge for my SPM. If i get 6 A's and above, i get RM __ for each A. How much? don't bother asking me, it's P&C but it's goodddddd!!!! So yeah, i'm working for it, not because of money but for once, i'm inspired to study! yay me!

P.S:i know the title 'hence' doesn't fits in but i purposely place it there for fun, weeeeee

Saturday, September 20, 2008

So Near Yet......So Farrrrrrrrrrr

This is sadest day of my life.......A day which i will never forget, of how i could get it, but i couldn't, so small a difference but lost to it, because of a few mistakes.....



I've never scored an A before for history since form 4 and to think that i was so near to it, that's so unfairrr. And the irony of the teacher is that she gave markah kesian to others but not me, *starring dagger at Mr. T*. Darn you Mr.T, can get markah kesian but i can't.

Hence now i'm left with the only hope of getting an A to fulfill my objective, Big L. Oh God please open my teachers eyes so that she can see the points and blind her eyes for the mistakes i wrote Amen. Well, whatever the results is, i'm ready for it because i've did my best for my trials and today marks the last day i'm going to play any computer games because i'm still not satisfied with some of my results and also because i haven't been studying much lately.

It's time to clobber books!!!
In the sense of reading.

And as a self-motivation, if i had studied well then after SPM i'm gonna lavish myself with a new bar-the long one(body building one la....) and a jar of protein drink after SPM. So if you know me or even if you don't know me, encourage me in my studies, because it's what encouragement that drives a person to an extend where he or she has never reached before by themselves and i too in return would encourage you too whoever reading this blog. Hence i shall start with a word of encouragement for those sitting for SPM this year,

Do your best and God will do the rest

So do drop a comment for me to know that you're reading my blog in our exchange of encouragements :)
God Bless you.

Wilson loves Cartoon!

Yes i admit i've been watching quite a number of cartoons lately and isn't it just fun watching it? i stayed up till midnight last night watching 101 Dalmations and today i sacrificed part of my sleep for Dumbo! and just now i watched Billy and Mandy-ROFLMAO watching that show. I know i know i'm 17 and SPM just round the corner, who says it's wrong to watch cartoon? And cartoon is a good therapy of releasing stress, so fellow SPM'sians, watch cartoon, when you're stress!


I had to skip serving for youth worship again.....because the WL was UNABLE TO CHANGE THE TIME!!! whyyyyyyy, i haven't been serving for the last 2 months and now i'm wondering should i serve for the next quadrant....perhaps i should, yea, i should, alright, i'm going to serve 1 more time and take leave.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

And the Winner is.....

No there's not going to be any winners, my title was not in a literal meaning but not literally meaning, geddit? hope i'm not confusing you.

Ah trails are over as you know and the fun thing after exams is when you get your results where you would either try to hide it of shame or show it off. That's the common type, well of course there are other kinds of people.

Well, my results are quite satisfying, i targeted 7A1 for this trails and so far i've only hit 5 A1 and 1 A2. Hopefully i'm able to get an A for my Big L paper.

Ah this is all for now, thanks to all those who still visits my blog even though i haven't been blogging much recently.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Unposted Picture

I had been waiting, well, not exactly, but happen to saw this picture at my friend's msn display pic, so i got it. It's from church camp this year where the youths and I decided to be kids and bring back our childhood back to life, by building sandcastle :)

And the best thing is, the one who suggested it was a guy 23 years old, or was it 24? sorry Mr. Andrew, got confused with your age....

so what d'ya think of my team and I masterpiece?

Oh and the background sand wall you see, it's actually made by me and it went round, quite a big circle in fact.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Some say maths is hard, but some maths is easy.

Some say additional math is hard, but some say additional math is easy.

And proud to announce, additional math is easy :)

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what nerds like me do, when we're bored of course.


as a word of encouragement to all ye out there studying math or anything to do with it,

Practice Makes Perfect

The End Pt 1

My CPU has finally return after 1 week of hibernating and 1 week of vacation. Guess what? my CPU's fatherboard went surfing in a board and since he didn't clean it after he surf it, he had to buy a new one. However, i discover later that the board he bought was unable to understand thumbsign. Because of that, i couldn't listen to much music because he didn't know i was congratulating him and he got pissed at me so he didn't want to serve me. So mean la he....

P.S:Hope you understand what i meant.

And now,

Trials are finally overrrrrrrrr!!!!!

After 4 weeks of hardcore studying, sleep eat read books books and books, i can finally sai all my books out for...a while. BECAUSE SPM STILL NOT OVER YETTTTTTT........Nevertheless, it's party time for meeeeeeee, it's me and I for the next two daysssssss. Why two days? cause i don't wanna rust and there's still pretty much for me to catch up.
Argh, having a headache!
Wth, i forgotten what i wanted to write.....argh leave it as it be, ending my post here.