Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm rotting at home again. Happens every semester break. It's laptop, TV, eat, sleep for the past 3 days. Finish watching Prison Season 4 in 3 days-unable to break my friend's record of watching 4 seasons of Prison Break in 6 days. And dang, i even dream about Prison Break when i'm having my naps and sleeps....GAH!!!!
At least this time it's 2 weeks of semester break, much much better compared to the 2 months i had to endured last year. Wonders how's my results and about next semester. Things seem harder now and I wonder if i could cope and meet my goals. Anyway, it's 9am and i'm thinking i'm gonna go back to sleep due to the 2 hours un-sleep time i had last midnight. nitez ppl!