Something funny happened last semester and I forgot to blog about it. It happened this way;
2 of my friends and I went to check on a friend, who was absent from class that day. He's always absent. You can wake him up(after countless times knocking/banging on the door) and he'll say:
"you guys go first"
and you won't see him in class later. So we check on him and after that headed back to our rooms. Halfway through, I passed by one of the 2 friends room and playfully, I just push my key into his lock and start turning away for fun. He soon arrived and I gave it one final anti-clockwise turn. And then Horror oh Horror! I was looking at half my key. We stared at each other. Half of the key was inside and I was holding the other half.....
The key
we started attempting to pull it out. One of them(the occupant of the room) was very focused on pulling it out when suddenly the next thing you know, he was clutching one of his fingers. It was bleeding. It's rude but we couldn't help laughing at him :P Finally he pulled the key out using a pair of scissors.
Later in the evening, I went to duplicate another key since that was my spare key. Did it, return back to my room, changed the key and went to the toilet locking my room behind me. I finished after relieving myself and then OMIGOSH!!!!! I keep turning and turning but the lock just didn't open. My friends came to try it but to no avail. Finally had to call the guard to come and unlock the door.

comparison between the proper and the failed key