Alright let's start. Only highlights is yesterday's evangelistic meeting held by cockroach-Cochrane. Sorry no pictures cause didn't bring my cam, wanted to but in the end did not. Back to the topic, it's was quite good all in all. Icebreakers, praise and worship-all hillsongs, then the sermon. OH La La the preacher, he reminds me of two person. 1- (P&C) sorry la can't tell 2-Jim carrey.
His emotions are wayward expressive and keeps pointing to the sky. But one thing I realize is that the message wasn't very clear but at the end three new souls were save! Hallejujah! Praise be to God and I do believe that Heaven did rejoice at that time. Then the Creme de la Creme, Hippie Hoppie Hop by cockroach, sorry i mean cochrane students. Well it was OK just the cool part where breakdance suppose to get the crowd cheers didn't turn out well. If I was out there dancing, hmmm, FUYOH! think what'll happen yourself.
Secondly, TREASURE HUNT. Wait, I did remembered to bring my camera. Well, not me but my sis did. Let's start. We rendezvous at church bout' 9 a.m . Short briefing then we're off. It's not walk walk but drive drive woohoo! and we have the best driver in town and that's my dad who probably knows the road in KL from the inside out, everlasting.....we didn't get lost anywhere despite the wrong tulips-2 wrong ones.
If i'm not mistaken we got 8 wrong at questions and 2 wrong at treasure. However, i say again however, we manage to get the 8th place OH YEAH! Thanks to my genius thinking I saved the day. Trust me it's better to get 8th place than the rest expect 2nd which was a hi-Fi radio with alarm clock. When the announced our car plate number I was 'don't have the particular word to describe' i was surprised, damn surprised la cause didn't expect it. Haha alright, enough of my grandmother stories. Here's the pictures.
Sigh..... too bad I wasn't there. But even if I were, we would have 5 ppl, not 4. So, might as well I wasn't there so you all make up the no. of 4.
Why should it have been you? Don't understand....
Oh.. one more thing forgot to say, Yi Li look sooo cute in the pic. XP
what do u mean by 5 then by 4? and what do u mean by 'why should it have been you?'
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