Sunday, May 4, 2008


*Yawwnnnn* tired and blurred. So sad nowadays, exams coming and to make things worse I can't sleep later than 6 am!!!!! My body is so used to waking up at 5.30 am for the past 3 years that I have to be extremely tired to be able to sleep past 6 am. If not, I keep waking up and dropping off to sleep....zzzzz, so sick and wrong.

Hm, my church change the carpets and today there was still a pungent smell of glue or was it the carpet smell? ah no idea. Then after that went to KLCC to celebrate my sis belated birthday. Ate at Chilis. We changed our sitting position for 2 times. At first we sat near the window seat overlooking the lake.

Mom: Very warm here la....
ok lo then change la....

Then we went to the smoking area since there was no one there but by and by came a lady woman. Standard operation procedures for smokers. Smoke before you eat and after you eat. Well, so of course we changed our place again this time to a safer seat. A lol incident when recalled back. Well, after lunch we went for a walk around then went back home.


I'm tired, but I still have to study up for my exams, Biology, Chemistry and PHYSICS-I like physics but before that have to exercise for a bit to keep myself in shape. How do you think I have such greatnice body shape? exercise la.

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